Experience the all-new installment of everyone’s family-favorite animated series just in time for the holiday season when Alpha and Omega: The Big Fureeze arrives on DVD (plus Digital), Digital HD, and On Demand on November 8 from Lionsgate.
Our favorite wolf pups—Stinky, Claudette, and Runt—are taking on a blizzard to rescue their lost parents before the holidays in this unFURgettable adventure! The Alpha and Omega: The BigFureeze DVD features two never-before-seen deleted scenes and will be available for the suggested retail price of $14.98.
Join everyone’s favorite alpha and omega wolves for a heartwarming holiday adventure! When Kate and Humphrey get lost in the woods and fail to appear for the holidays, their wolf pups—Stinky, Claudette, and Runt—take matters into their own paws and venture out into a blizzard to rescue them. Joined by Brent the sleepy bear cub and Agnes the feisty porcupine, the pups prove that neither blinding snow, nor rival wolves, nor hungry bears, will keep them from spending the holidays together as a family.
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