Crazy For Bargains: Rocawear Pajamas

One of the things I am constantly on the look out for my boys is comfy pajamas- however I do not want to spend a ton on something they are only going to be wearing to sleep! Crazy For Bargains allows me to purchase comfortable pajamas that are affordable and high quality!

Crazy For Bargains understands the importance of having the perfect pair of pajamas to relax in at the end of a long day. They get that a special pair of  pajamas can make bedtime fun for kids and understand the joy that a pair of superhero pajamas or a princess nightgown can bring to a child!

My boys recently have become more worried about style than their favorite characters (god help me, this is happening much earlier than I expected it would) so I was not surprised at all when they asked for Rocawear Pajamas!

Each of my three older boys picked their favorite pair and I used the Crazy For Bargains size chart to pick the perfect size! Rocawear is a pretty large brand around here and their clothes are always so expensive. I was shocked that they were only 16.99 from Crazy For Bargains!

The pajamas are super comfortbale becuase they are loose fitting and made of 100% polyester. Because they are children’s pajamas they are also flame resistant. I have washed them quite a few times and they have retained both their shape and size very well!

Buy It: You can purchase your own Rocawear Pajamas from for 16.99!


  1. Link doesn’t work in the first post 🙁 Sounds like nice PJ’s though!!

  2. I love the Rocawear brand too.

  3. Yes –its that time again to get each of the kiddos pj’s haven’t tried this brand –its worth a short

  4. love these, I have been looking for new jammies for my little man

  5. Carolyn Ann Colley (Griffith, Smith) says

    these are nice

  6. Those are cute!

  7. Misty farmer says

    I might have to check out what crazy for bargins has!

  8. Sarah Osborne says

    Great prices!

  9. Stacey Cockrell says

    Too cute!!

  10. Sherry Compton says

    Comfy pajamas are so important and fun for kids and adults. Two years ago, my daughter decided to get a group together and buy pajamas for kids in a shelter. Pajamas are warm and just make you feel good.

  11. Very nice PJs, I wish they made adults! My son is 17, but my aunt would like this-I’m going to let her know.

  12. These look like great PJ’s, nice and warm and cozy

  13. these are nice looking pajamas, and look like good quality.

  14. I really love that red and black set!

  15. I haven’t tried this brand yet, but with Christmas coming up, and my traditional gift to the grandchildren are PJs, I’ll have to check into this. Seems to be a great deal. Thanks.

  16. These are too cute

  17. These are to cute and I am always looking for new jammies. Love that the are comfortable, loose fitting and flame resistent.

  18. Jennifer McCann says

    Never tried this brand but looks comfy, separates are a must for potty training!

  19. Cute PJs!

  20. Audra Weathers says

    I got jammies from this site last year and they are awesome. The quality was excellent and the prices are low. My daughter would love the Lazy One Monsters under the bed pajamas. Such a good selection!

  21. Cassandra Eastman says

    These pajamas look great! Your sons look like such big boys in them!!! I love the curious george ones, my son is going through a major curious george stage!

  22. awesome!!!!!!!!!

  23. These are so cute

  24. Lisa Johnston says

    I like the fact that the pj’s are flame resistant.

  25. really really cute love them!!!!!!!

  26. Cheryl Chervitz says

    These would be wonderful for my grandson’s. And at that price, it is well worth it.

  27. My sister would love this company. I have 2 neices who are growing like weeds so this would be a great place to get jammies for them for Christmas. Thanks so much for sharing! Couldn’t enter the giveaway because it said site/page not found when I pressed the button. 🙁

  28. neat jammies

  29. I checked the web site and this company not only makes pajamas for children, but they also make pajamas for adults as well. I found a set for only $10. Wahoo! Such a bargain as I love pajamas.

  30. What a great price! will have to check these out!

  31. These jammies are too cute! I will have to look into them for our boys!!

  32. There’s nothing quite like a fresh, new pair of cozy pajamas. It just brings a sense of home and comfort for all ages!

  33. Stephanie Thompson says

    Always looking for bargins for jammies also cause I like to put my grandson’s in them in the winter especially, but don’t like to spend a lot on them. They do have to have a bunch of good features for me and soft soft soft being one of them.

  34. Amy Truluck says

    Thank you for sharing this site. Every Christmas we get matching pajamas for the entire family, and every year its a struggle to find nice ones that don’t break the bank – these would be perfect!

  35. Robyn Galloway says
  36. Sandy VanHoey says

    These are real cute too! My grandson would love these

  37. Mary Gallardo says

    What cute pajamas! My daughter always loves new pajamas and it is great to find affordable ones!

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