Just Think Toys: BathBlocks

Sometimes the most educational  toys are the simplest toys– toys with lots of open-ended possibilities that encourage young minds to think, to create and to explore.  The best of these toys provide progressive layers of challenge for children to discover as they grow.  At their very best, these toys encourage exploration, reward discovery and empower our children.
Blocks are one of those toys that can do all that and more and BathBlocks allow your child to bring classic block play into a fun, new, fascinating watery environment.  The bathtub is the perfect place to create waterslides, ball runs, floating towns and more.  The “sticky” viscosity of water creates a helpful cling between blocks, and the movement, buoyancy and flow of water add an engaging twist to classic blockplay.
We have quite a few bath toys, but they always end up in the trash because they get all stinky or slimy from left over water. The second we got our box filled with BathBlocks we tossed them all in the tub to try them out. The first thing I noticed was there was no spaces at all for water to get stuck in, which means these BathBlocks have the potential to last a very long time. The second thing I noticed was that the foam is for sure, not teeth proof. If you have a little one that likes to bite things, best to skip the BathBlocks for now.
Ethan decided to try out the Coast Guard & Helicopter set first.  It includes a Coast Guard boat and Helicopter and a few other blocks to build floating piers, bridges, towers and more. The set was super easy to assemble on the edge of the bath tub, but no matter how hard we tried to get the pieces to stick in the water, they quickly fell apart. To get them to stick together at all, Ethan had to hold them together.
So we moved on to the Tug Boat & Barge set which showed a really awesome tunnel the tug boat could go under. Again we were able to assemble it on the side of the tub…
But the second he tried to move it into the water he was left with floating blocks that would not stick together and certainly would not create a four floor tunnel. BathBlocks suggest using suds to get them to stick better, but this did not work for us.
I had quite a frustrated Ethan on my hands, so we pulled out the Ball Run. The ball run comes with a large, flat block you can build the other ones on top of. Ethan was able to stack all these blocks and got super excited he finally could build something!
Once his ball run was complete, it was time to see how fast he could make the ball run!

As you can see, it did not go to well… I left Ethan for a few minutes to go tend to his brother and came back to giggles and splashes! Ethan could not get the blocks to stack like they were supposed to, but he did end up having an amazing time playing with them in the tub!

IMG_5193So much fun, that his brother decided he had to join him!


My opinion on BathBlocks is very torn. They were not what we expected them to be, however proved to be tons of fun for the kids! Overall I think they are a great investment for endless, tub time fun- just do not let your kids see the images on the packaging because they are a bit deceiving!

Buy It: You can purchase your own BathBlocks from just-think-toys.com!

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  1. I like the helicopter set!

  2. laurie nykaza says

    Coast Guard & Helicopter these look like so much fun and I know the kids would love them to play with at bath time

  3. Natasha Rodriguez says

    I like the coast guard set!

  4. the ball fall set looks like it’d be a blast.

  5. Jessica P. says

    I think my little one would love the Big Blocks Waterfall set!

  6. THose look like a lot of fun. My boys would love them.. but they look hard to store. Where do you keep them when they are not being used. My bathroom is not very big.

  7. Tiffany Schmidt says

    Oh my gosh, these are awesome. Heck, I would play with them if I didn’t want to read and relax in the tub! So many different ways to play. And it would be perfect for siblings still sharing bath time as well, as there are plenty to go around.

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