Chuck E Cheese Little Big Night Out Is Coming Soon!

In recognition of the fact that April is National Volunteer Month, every single Chuck E. Cheese’s across the country will donate 15% of sales from 3-9PM on 3/31 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America when guests mention the organization.mdealsoffers_promo_bbbsBig Brothers Big Sisters, the nation’s largest donor and volunteer supported mentoring network, holds itself accountable for children in its program to achieve measurable outcomes such as educational success, avoidance of risky behaviors, higher aspirations, greater confidence and better relationships. Partnering with parents/guardians, schools, corporations and others in the community, Big Brothers Big Sisters carefully pairs children (“Littles”) with screened volunteer mentors (“Bigs”) and monitors and supports these one-to-one mentoring matches throughout their course. The Big Brothers Big Sisters Youth Outcomes Survey substantiates that its mentoring programs have proven, positive academic, socio-emotional and behavioral outcomes for youth, areas linked to high school graduation, avoidance of juvenile delinquency and college or job readiness. Learn more at

All year Chuck E. Cheese is supporting BBBS with a special value deal (25 tokens, one medium one-topping pizza and two drinks) for only $17.99. They are also doing a donation drive throughout April, where families can donate $1, $5 or any amount of their choice to help BBBS match “Littles” with “Big” mentors. When kids donate, they get to write their name on a Pin-Up ticket and stick it on the wall to show their supportBB_PinUp_0315-01To find your nearest Chuck E. Cheese’s location, visit

To learn how to volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters, visit


  1. I have my kids help me purchase and donate items for our local food pantry.

  2. Anne perry says

    We give back by growing produce and sharing it with our neighborhood.

  3. shelly peterson says

    The kids like to donate food to our local food bank and help go through their clothes and toys and donate to local organizations.
    cshell090869 at aol dot com

  4. We teach them by being the example. We volunteer together at the Christian Help Center, we donate, and at Christmas they buy gifts for the Angel tree and Operation Shoebox!

  5. Amanda Alvarado says

    We teach her by example. She sees us giving back by donating outgrown clothes, food, etc to others in need.

  6. heather e.g. kaufman says

    We have the kids buy Christmas gifts for the less fortunate.

  7. We go through and donate any clothes we don’t wear or need

  8. I show them how to give back by volunteering as a family for food banks, etc.

  9. We teach him to give back by donating to our local food shelf, and giving toys at Christmas for children who are in need. One thing that I would love to do this year is help feed the homeless at Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am not sure if the children are able to help, but its something I have wanted to check into.

  10. Our whole family (kids included) is very involved in our Church’s ministries. My kids attend children’s church and after is done they help out with the cleaning, they also serve in the food pantry and sometimes the older ones help in the media ministry as well. In their school they raise funds for the missions and take items to stock the cart. They also visit nanas and papas from the neighborhood. I’ve been blessed with amazing kids with a giving heart who will do their best to help others. I thank GOD for them always. Thank for the chance to win

  11. We give them an allowance, and then they take 10% of it every month and do something good for the community with it.

  12. Charlene S. says

    We have a charity jar where my kids put a portion of their allowance in every week. At the end of the month they pick a charity to donate the money to.

  13. I teach my kids how to give back by encouraging them to donate their unused items to Good Will. We also drop food off at the local pantry every month.

  14. Leigh Anne Borders says

    I teach my kids to give back by setting the example. We find ways to give back by making blankets, donating, handing out food, etc… It is important that kids experience giving back so that they firsthand the benefits it brings them. We try to do something at least once a month. We have even set aside one day a week and we call it Pay It Forward Tuesday. On this day we all try to find ways to give back.

  15. Every year the kids go through their toys and clothes to put together a donation to our local shelter. We go to our local SERVE shelter and hand them out to the kids there! We always stay to play with the other children and us adults just chatter up conversation! We love to see everyone’s faces light up with smiles!

  16. Lily Kwan says

    by setting a good example

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